दाङको भूगोल : एक चिनारी

तुल्सिपुर बजार

दाङ उपत्यकाको मुख्य नदी बबई हो र दाङको भुगोल बबई
उपत्यका भनेर पनि चिनिन्छ । स्योर लगायतका अन्य साना ठुला खोला नदी हरू पनि
यो उपत्यका मा प्रवाहीत हुदै वहने गर्दछन । दाङ जिल्लामा पर्ने यो सबै
भन्दा ठुलो उपत्यका संपुर्ण राप्ती अञ्चलकै अन्न भण्डारको रूपमा रहेको छ
साथै दुई नगरपालिका (त्रिभुवननगर र तुल्सीपुर)रहेको यो उपत्यका…का
मा बाणीज्यकेन्द्र हरू समेत बिकास भइसकेका छन, खास गरी त्रिभुवननगर र तुल्सीपुर ले राप्तीका संपुर्ण
पहाडी क्षेत्रमा सामान पैठारी गर्दछन । नेपालको दोश्रो पुरानो महेन्द्र
संस्कृत (हाल नेपाल संस्कृत वनाइएको) विश्वविद्यालय समेत यसै उपत्यकामा
रहेको र महेन्द्र क्याम्पस त्रिभुवननगर तथा अन्य क्याम्पस तथा बिद्यालय समेत
यस उपत्यका मा रहेका तथा जनरल तथा अन्य अस्पताल समेत रहेका ले यो उपत्यका
पुरै राप्तीको पहाडी क्षेत्रको शिक्षा,श्वास्थ तथा वाणीज्य केन्द्र समेत हो


छन ।

बिकासिल भएर पनि राप्ती अञ्चल र पश्चिम नेपाल र राप्ती अञ्चलको बिकसीत
जिल्लाका रूपमा दाङलाई गनिन्छ । सडक यतायतमा दाङ उपत्यकालाई देउखुरी
उपत्यकामा पर्ने लमही बजार अवस्थीत महेन्द्र राजमार्ग संग एक पक्की सहायक
राजर्मागले जोडदै त्रिभुवन नगर देखी तुल्सीपुर सम्म तथा बिचका अन्य
ग्रामीण गांउ तथा बजारलाई यातयात सेवा प्रदान् गर्दछ । साथमा दाङ राप्ती
अञ्चलको पहाडी क्षेत्रको पनि मुख्य ब्यावसायीक स्थल हो । रोल्पा,रूकुम,
सल्यान संग यस उपत्यका को त्रिभुवन नगर र तुल्सीपुर नगरको कच्ची सडक मार्फत
यातायात सम्पर्क रहेको छ । त्यसै गरी त्रिभुवन नगर देखी सुर्खेतको
बिरेन्द्रनगर सम्म अर्को सडक खनिएको छ भने तुल्सीपुर बाटै पनि एक कच्ची
सहायक मार्गले उपत्यका बाहिर पश्चिमी खण्डको महेन्द्र राजमार्ग संग जोडदछ ।
स्थानीय सडकहरू कच्ची नै छन तर त्रिभुवन नगर क्षेत्रका केही सडक पिच
गरिएका पनि छन । दुर संचारमा टेलीफोन एस टि डि , आई एस टि डि तथा इमेल
इन्टरनेटको सुबिधा पाउन सकिन्छ स्थानीय यातायातका साधन हरूमा मुख्य दुई
शहरमा थोरै टयाक्सी तथा रिक्साको सुबिधा रहेको छ भने ग्रामीण क्षेत्र तर्फ
साइकल मोटरसाइर्कल गोरू गाढा प्रचलीत

Dang district comprises parallel inner Terai valleys Deukhuri and Dang plus parts of surrounding hills. The district begins where the international border with Indiafollows the southern edge of the Siwaliks, so there is no Outer Terai of Nepalese territory extending onto the plains. Deukhuri Valley lies beyond the first range of hills, then a second range separates Deukhuri and Dang Valleys. Beyond Dang Valley the district extends to the crest of the higher Mahabharat Range.

The two valleys have abundant level and gently-sloping land with fair to good soil development and abundant groundwater supplies, however malaria made them nearly uninhabitable except to the Tharu ethnic group who had evolved resistance. In the 1960s DDT came into use to suppress the mosquito vectors and the way was open to settlers from the hills who used debt and lawsuits to displace and even enslave Tharus.

Dang is the most developed and most rapidly developing of Rapti Zone’s districts.Mahendra Highway — Nepal’s main east-west route — follows Deukhuri Valley. Dang Valley has two important towns, Tribuvannagar and Tulsipur and an all-weather airport.

 Pyuthan, Rolpa and Salyan districts are situated in the Middle Hills, extending north from the crest of the Mahabharat Range. Pyuthan has an irrigated alluvial plain along Jhimruk Khola. This plain is surrounded by villages of rice-growingBrahman and Chhetri farmers catered to by bazaar towns of Newar merchants. Rolpa district mainly lies along Mardi Khola, the other large Rapti tributary that is more eroded into an inner gorge and less suited to traditional irrigation projects.

Pyuthan and Rolpa extend north to rugged 3-4,000 meter ranges marking the limits of the Rapti basin. Kham Magar live in small villages throughout these highlands up to about 2,500 meters. They herd sheep, goats and cattle in higher subalpine and alpine summer pastures, migrating down to fallow fields in Dang and Deukhuri in winter. Kham also cultivate subtropical and temperate fruit trees such as mulberry, citrus and asian pear as cash crops. Until it was outlawed in the 1970s they cultivated hemp and made hashish bought by government agents to be sold in monopoly stores. Termination of these arrangements increased Kham outmigration in search of employment and contributed to discontent with the Shah regime.

Salyan resembles Pyuthan in having a mix of rice-growing lowlands inhabited by caste Hindus, and uplands inhabited by Kham peoples.

Rukum is the northernmost district of Rapti Zone. It lies north of the Rapti basin, in the Bheri basin draining the western part of Dhaulagiri Himalaya and joining theKarnali. This district is sparsely populated but used by Kham herdsmen in summer.

Rapti Zone has a history of radical politics since the mid-20th century and in the 1990s became a center of the Maoist (maobadi) rebellion against the royal government and the fragile democracy that the late King Birendra eventually supported.

15 thoughts on “दाङको भूगोल : एक चिनारी

  1. A creative mind makes a creative world. Thanks for providing information. It’s a creative time of youths rather than gospin….

  2. sarai ramro garnu varai6 khusi lagyo.ma pani dang ko ho.

  3. dheri ramro lago . rapti anchal ko bhugol barema lekhdai januhola .

  4. i feel so proud being dangali, coz i belong 2 Dang..n I love Dang, love 2 see progress of Dang aswel…plz sumit more piture of DANG VALLEY so that people can know more about DANG,, thank u

  5. DAng deukhuri ma raheka reptiles ( snakes , crocodile, tortroise etc ) ko barema pani information rakhnu parcha. You can get data n photoes through us

    1. thanks chiran g..
      vulture restaurako post gardai
      chhu…. hamrodang@gmail.com ma photos ra info pathae aavari hune thie

  6. I am happy to visit it website i also want to work with coordinate to devlope our region in communation and i want devloped as tourist area .

  7. I am happy to see that someone has at least tried to create an identity of our dang in internet!! Dang lai ajhai chinaunu parxa!!!!

  8. where U stay ??? what is the name big river of dang …….( babai. or . rapti …..) ………najaneyko kura sodnu par6 sir ……. batho bannu hudaina …..”””””

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